

As promised on my WEDNESDAY BAG post, I give you Mandy Coon...the first US designer I've been super thrilled about since I discovered Brian Lichtenberg and Grey Ant. Here is her current collection, Autumn Winter 2010, because it's so very cold outside. The photos are shot by Samantha Rapp and the model featured is none other than Jamie Bochert. The collection is gorgeous  and sinister and doesn't look like anything else I've seen here in the States. And yes, I do love that black bunny bag that is part of this collection. Have a look and keep your eye out...I'm sure we'll be seeing a whole lot more of her.♡

perfect casting with jamie here.
really hot...not totally my thing, but well done.
gorgeous shot and gorgeous hair.
there's that bunny bag on the left that i love love.
gorgeous color and looks.
both of these looks are gorrrgeous and gorgeously styled.
blush satin thigh-high spats (or are those pants?)...pretty genius.

POST SCRIPT...I think that Valentino for Gap collab is totally and undeniably aw-ful. Who's the moron who decided to team Valentino with the Gap? Just awful awful. The Gap looks so desperate. And the people behind Valentino look so confused and lost. I am hoping Alex at Searchingforstyle.com will do a post on this. She does the opinions on fashion. But I wanted to say it's a total shame what they're doing. The Gap needs to hire people who understand what they're doing...not people stuck in 1992. They've lost their watch at The Gap...they have NO idea what time it is.

more tuesday tailor ♥ built by wendy fall

all images by samantha rapp from mandycoon.com

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